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Ben Affleck
Plays Bartleby, an Grigori Angel exiled to Wisconsin from Heaven ... quite a fall!
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Matt Damon
Plays Loki, the former Angel of Death, exiled after giving the middle finger to God.
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Linda Fiorentino
Plays Bethany, who will eventually resurrects to conceive the "New last Sion"
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35 AD
The 13th disciple Rufus is stoned to death in Antioch.
St Michael's Church is constructed in New Jersey
Bethany Sloane kindly allows her neighbour Bryan Johnson to urinate on her hand.
Bryan Johnson loses his battle with leukemia
The Angel of Death (Loki) loses his bet with Angel Bartleby: ET does better at the box office than Krush Grove
"Mooby, The Golden Calf" is produced for K-REL by Nancy Goldruff (who used to be a kindergarten teacher)
Mooby, The Golden Calf goes into production for The Mooby Fun-Time Hou and Loki vows revenge on the tv executives for idolatry.
The muse Serendipity decides to stop being a muse and starts to write for herself.
Mr Newman, the executive producer ofMooby, The Golden Calf tricks his girlfriend with with boozeto sleep with the mailroom boy. When she confesses he leaves her.
1998 - March
Mr Newman ex girlfriends commits suicide
1998 June
The main plot of DOGMA unfolds in the first seven days of june
1998 July
God appears at St Michael's Church in New Jersey
The Movie
Dogma the Movie
Dogma is a comedy/drama/ fantasy movie that was released on the November of 1999 in the US. Despite its religious controversy, especially with the Catholic Church calling it a blasphemous movie, the 128 minute movie was well received by the public grossing up to $31.4 million in the box office having a $10 million budget.
With a stellar cast, Kevin Smith is able to deliver the religious satire in both a hilarious but respectful manner. He tells a story of two angels who defied God, were condemned to earth and will do anything to find their way back home, to heaven.
The movie starts with a rather rugged old man being attacked by 3 boys with hockey sticks, though a seemingly irrelevant scene, its importance is seen much later in the film.
The Cardinal announces the face lifting of the Catholicism. He even unveils a new statue “buddy Jesus” who is more approachable and bring joy to the hearts of men as opposed to him on the cross. He states that anyone who walks under the archways of the church during the rededication ceremony will be sanctified from all sin.
Matt Damon The Angel of Death
Loki played by Matt Damon is one of the damned angels. Bartleby is also a condemned angel played by Ben Affleck. Loki was the angel of death until Bartleby during a celebratory drink convinced him that what he was doing wasn’t right.
He therefore confronts God, quits his job and is sent down to earth with his counterpart. Loki is full of mischief and admits to enjoying to screw with the clergy, which is actually what he is doing while Bartleby watches couples meet in the airport.
He does this as he wishes he could do the same, go home, be reconciled with God their sins from their past forgiven. They take on the journey to New Jersey their only lead being the piece of newspaper they received anonymously in the mail.
The newspaper reveals that St. Michael’s Catholic Church will be having a rededication ceremony where anyone who passes through its archways will be cleansed of all sin. Bartleby explains that this is a loophole in catholic dogma that they must take advantage of.
Loki is a bit skeptical but Bartleby is able to convince him and soon enough he is even more excited than Bartleby. With only four days till the ceremony, they set out for New Jersey. Loki plans to kill sinners on his journey as part of reparation for his sin.
Linda Fiorentino is Bethany
On the other side we have (Linda Fiorentino) Bethany, a church going but unbelieving catholic who believes God is dead due to all the bad luck she has been served in life. She works in an abortion clinic and was left by her husband due to her infertility.
Metatron (Alan Rickman), the angel who acts as the voice of God makes a grand fiery appearance to her in the night as she sleeps.
She attacks the intruder but slowly warms up to him when he explains who he is. He tells her of her mandate to stop the two fallen angels from getting to New Jersey and passing through the archways in order to save the world from ceasing to exist.
She takes this skeptically and finds it even hilarious. She is attacked by the 3 demon boys but is saved by two dudes who are in the abortion clinic area looking for loose women. The two men, Jay and Silent Bob are the prophets she was told she would meet and should accompany in accomplishing her mission.
It all happens in New Jersey
They agree to let her tag along to New Jersey as she promises to pay them. They get some car troubles and are stranded in the highway when Rufus, who claims to be the 13th disciple falls from the sky.
He joins them in their quest and discloses much about Jesus and personal information about Bethany and Jay. Loki and Bartleby are in a bus to New Jersey, Loki proves he still got it by identifying sinners and shooting them dead. Bethany and Rufus follow Jay and silent Bob to a strip club where they meet Serendipity who was a muse in heaven but who has not seen much success in the world.
They are attacked by a shit demon who wants to kill Bethany to stop her from her quest. Silent bob incapacitates the creature and saves them.
On the other side we have (Linda Fiorentino) Bethany, a church going but unbelieving catholic who believes God is dead due to all the bad luck she has been served in life. She works in an abortion clinic and was left by her husband due to her infertility. Metatron (Alan Rickman), the angel who acts as the voice of God makes a grand fiery appearance to her in the night as she sleeps. She attacks the intruder but slowly warms up to him when he explains who he is.
He tells her of her mandate to stop the two fallen angels from getting to New Jersey and passing through the archways in order to save the world from ceasing to exist. She takes this skeptically and finds it even hilarious. She is attacked by the 3 demon boys but is saved by two dudes who are in the abortion clinic area looking for loose women. The two men, Jay and Silent Bob are the prophets she was told she would meet and should accompany in accomplishing her mission.
Rufus13th disciple
They agree to let her tag along to New Jersey as she promises to pay them. They get some car troubles and are stranded in the highway when Rufus, who claims to be the 13th disciple falls from the sky. He joins them in their quest and discloses much about Jesus and personal information about Bethany and Jay. Loki and Bartleby are in a bus to New Jersey, Loki proves he still got it by identifying sinners and shooting them dead. Bethany and Rufus follow Jay and silent Bob to a strip club where they meet Serendipity who was a muse in heaven but who has not seen much success in the world. They are attacked by a shit demon who wants to kill Bethany to stop her from her quest. Silent bob incapacitates the creature and saves them.
Mooby The Golden Calf
Loki and Bartleby confront the board of directors of Mooby golden calf Company which promotes idolatry by their golden calf. They judge them for their sins and kill them sparing only one non sinner. Azrael appears to Loki and Bartleby revealing he is rooting for them to go back to heaven, he gives them some much needed advice to make it home. They all board the same train to New Jersey. Bethany meets and connects with Bartleby until they realize they are on opposing sides which leads to Loki and Bartleby getting thrown off the train.
God and Humanity
Bartleby divulges his bitterness against God’s relationship with humanity and his intentions have changed from just to going home but wants to start a war with God.
He is deaf to Loki’s cries to have him think rationally and continues his quest forcing Loki to accompany him. Bethany demands for answers and Rufus discloses that she is related to Jesus Christ and is the last sion.
She doesn’t take this well and has an outburst but Metatron reassures her and is able to calm her. Metatron and Rufus try to solve the mystery of where God is but despite knowing that He might be playing ski ball are unsure where he is.
Metatron admits angels feel lost without God’s presence. They approach the cardinal to stop the ceremony but he is adamant. Azrael attacks the group but is defeated and killed together with his 3 minions.
The Cardinal
Cardinal is presiding over the Catholicism event attended by a multitude of people and reporters alike. Loki and Bartleby disrupt the ceremony and causes chaos, Bartleby kills a lot of people and Loki is helpless in stopping him and his wings have been cut off thus becomes human and even is able to take a beer.
Bartleby goes on a rampage throwing bodies from high up and even kills Loki showing that he has really lost it. Jay shoots off his wings. Bethany figures out that the man who was beaten up in the first scene must be the body God is stuck in thus takes him off life support.
God appears, in a woman’s body right on time at the church stopping Bartleby from passing through the arch. Bartleby cries into her arms, she consoles Him but then using her voice obliterates him. Bethany, deceased from pulling the plug, is mourned by the whole group especially Silent Bob who carries her to the church.
God brings her to life and Metatron facilitates her begetting a child. God lovingly looks at Bethany as she asks what the purpose of humanity and bops her nose proving He is as funny as Metatron had told her. Rufus however tells Bethany that God has no gender as Serendipity had claimed.
The movie has a happy ending with Metatron considering making the changes Rufus was suggesting and Serendipity getting an invite back to heaven and Jay and Silent Bob just let be.
Ben Affleck
Affleck Plays Bartleby
Ben Affleck is the filmmaker and award winning actor who plays Bartleby. It is rumoured that Ben Affleck like to gamble, and he was during one of his trips to a Sanremo casino that Affleck gambled on his participation to the movie. He later admitted when he’s in Italy he plays at one of the best casino online aams, but did not reveal which one. He was a Grigori , one of the choir of angels known as watchers. During a celebratory drink, a heated discussion ensues on whether it is alright to kill in God’s name. He is able to convince Loki to take a position that doesn’t involve murder.
Loki therefore quits, throws down his fiery sword and insults God. This leads to their damnation to Wisconsin till the world ends and which after they would still be outside the gates of heaven.The Homesick Angel
Bartleby misses home, a lot. He likes to hang around in airports to see people come home and get reconciled with their loved ones. He isolates a case of a lady whom despite cheating on her lover twice is received happily and none of that seems to matter.
This is what he longs for, to get forgiven and accepted back home in heaven. He gets an anonymous letter with information about the rededication of St. Michael’s church which would enable them to go back to heaven given they passed through its archways. He therefore jumps on the opportunity to re-enter heaven using a loophole in catholic Dogma.
Bartleby’s Compassion
So again, wittily, he is able to convince Loki to join him in his quest to New Jersey. He still has compassion for humanity and opposes Loki when he wants to kill. He chooses to believe in the best in people but changes his mind towards the end. He is very self-assured as he continuously makes bests with Loki and calls him a simple creature. He likes thing done right, perfectly, very hard on himself when he forgets part of his monologue in the Mooby golden calf conference room. He however is absent while Loki executes the sinners to show further his intolerance of murder of humans.
He is the rational of the two and keeps his cool in most stressful situations. He feels extremely betrayed when Azrael tells them that the humans are pursuing them to end their lives in order to stop them from going back to heaven. This is his turning point, he no longer has regard for the humans and believes that Azrael is the only one he can trust.
He is quite friendly, he easily opens up to Bethany and soon they bond over their similar situations of being dumped. In the conversation we learn that he has been waiting for God to hear them, remember them and call them back home.
Rufus the 13th Apostle
He goes on the defensive when Rufus reveals his true identity, he even threatens to kill Bethany, something he would never dream of doing. Comes to the realization that angels were created to be at God’s service while on the other hand humans are special to God and are even given free will which the angels don’t have.
He is bitter that God is infinitely patient with humans no matter how often they mess up while they get eternal damnation for only one sin. He regrets opposing God for the sake of the humans and is now even ready to kill anyone who comes in his way to getting to heaven.
The Rededication Ceremony
They interrupt the rededication ceremony and Bartleby starts to judge the people and execute them. He strong arms Loki into joining him in the purge. At this point he is totally evil throwing people from high up. His bitterness towards God lack of forgiveness for angels has totally taken over. He kills Loki who was now human after cutting off his wings.
Bartleby has everyone else trying to fight him, Jay shoots off his wings and he is rather thrilled when it happens. He is ready to walk through the archways when God appears after being freed from the comatose body by Bethany. He cries bitterly accepting God’s consolation. He lies on the Deity’s shoulders for some time and accepts his fate. God’s voice obliterates him.
Matt Demon
Matthew Damon The Fallen Angel
Matthew Damon wears many hats in the film industry, not only is he an award winning actor, he is also a screenwriter and film producer.
He is a diverse actor and in the film Dogma we see him act as a rather brutal but silly fallen angel.
Frequently we see his companion refer to him as a simple creature. He is often used as the comic relief with his rather innocent questions that are met by Bartleby’s sarcastic answers. Loki is the name of his character in the movie.
Affleck’s Bad Influence
He comes to his unfortunate status by being convinced by Bartleby, played by Ben Affleck, to quit his job as the angel of death. Without Bartleby’s influence, he is an abiding angel who does his work diligently.
He has a mischievous bone which we see in play as he convinces a nun that the concept of religion is mythical. He admits to enjoying screwing with the clergy.
The dogma Loophole
He is seems to have accepted his damnation to Wisconsin and even somewhat enjoying life. He welcomes the idea to use the loophole in catholic dogma to go back home to heaven with skepticism.
However, his trusting nature leads him to being easily convinced to join his fellow angel in the quest. Loki is even excited and decides to attempt to redeem himself by acting in the capacity of his former position as the angel of death.
He carefully chooses his murder weapon and complains that none have that wrath of the almighty like his fiery sword has.
New Jersey
On the bus to New Jersey he makes a bet with Bartleby about a couple that is making out on the seat in front of them. On confirming that they are actually sinners he shoots them dead causing panic in the bus.
He is rather thrilled and celebrates his little win. The Mooby golden calf company is his second hit, he has been following their evils for a while and is quite motivated to execute them. After reading to them their sins with the help of Bartleby he happily kills them barely sparing the sinless lady. He was clearly created for this.
Azrael’s Influence
When Azrael approaches them to reveal that they are in danger, he is particularly happy that they have pissed off a lot of people and that they even have the last sion on their trail. He asks Azrael to lighten up when he asks him to stop killing spree.
Loki is your typical nice guy who easily gets along with Jay and silent Bob. He is a people pleaser too as he mimes smoking a joint with them just to avoid confrontation and to belong. As a good friend he defends Bartleby by punching Joe though he didn’t exactly agree with his actions at the time.
He however does not fight back when Silent Bob throws him out and would rather an amicable conversation. When Bartleby goes off in a rant of how he will seek vengeance against humanity and God Loki calls him out for it and threatens to go back to Wisconsin. He even asks him to reconsider after learning that the consequence to their going back to heaven was the end of humanity.
Wanting to be Human
Sadly he has no choice but to follow his fellow fallen angel. He is deeply uncomfortable with Bartleby’s actions. He cuts off his own wings and becomes human, gets drunk while watching helplessly as Bartleby reigns havoc.
He explains that he only wanted to go home but Bartleby had a different idea thus the whole mess. He is quickly distracted by serendipity whom he is blissful to see even asking to fondle her bosom. In a drunken stupor he plays hero and tries to stop Bartleby from ending humanity.
Bartleby easily kills him by stabbing him in his side. This is the last we see of Loki who in a nutshell has lived a life of having decisions made for him.
Linda Fiorentino
Linda Fiorentino
Linda Fiorentino is an American actress who doubles as a professional photographer. The talented creative has a couple of awards under her belt.
In Dogma, she plays the lead character of Bethany Sloane a, catholic divorcee who works in an abortion clinic. We see her in church reciting the apostle’s creed emotionlessly.
When her friend questions her about going to church religiously, Bethany admits that she doesn’t even know why she still goes. She reminisces having faith as child and seems to long to believe the way she did then but now she believes God is dead.
The appearance of Seraphim Angel
Metatron, a Seraphim who is the voice of God makes a grand fiery appearance in her bedroom as she sleeps, she scares but acts fast and extinguishes the fire rather bravely. She is ready to attack him with a bat to protect herself; she is feisty.
Though skeptical, she agrees to give him audience and has some drinks with him to give him a chance to prove that he really is an angel.
Bethany’s Mission
She is commissioned with the heavy mission of saving humanity’s existence by stopping Bartleby and Loki from passing though St. Michael’s Catholic Church archway.
He further explains that a loophole in Catholic dogma is the cause of all this and she applauds them for beating the system.
She goes on to launch complaints of how God has been absent in her life. Metatron guilts her into considering taking up the quest and gives her more instructions.
Azrael’s minions attack
She is attacked by the evil triplets who are Azrael’s minions, she is saved by Jay and Silent Bob. Jay mentions their prospects of being prophets and she decides to undertake the cause.
She is able to convince them to join her in her journey and they set out to New Jersey. They are soon stranded on the highway which makes her angry and she goes off on both Jay and Silent Bob and threatens to go back home.
Rufus the 13th Apostle
Rufus falls from the sky just in time to keep the mission going. She doesn’t really believe Rufus until he tells her a childhood secret, she kept from everyone else.
Though the better part of her opposes the journey she still continues and finds herself in a strip club as they look for the prophets.
The meet serendipity, a heavenly being who was once a muse, she convinces Bethany that God is a woman. They are attacked by the shit demon which pursues Bethany to kill her and stop her from achieving her goal.
God’s plan
On the train to New Jersey she gets tipsy and connects with Bartleby about being dumped. Like Bartleby, who feels abandoned by God, she feels dumped by her husband.
She admits to going to church to balance her check books after stopping to believe in God when her mother talked of God’s plan over her life.
She longs however to feel God’s presence in her life owing to her acceptance to undertake the pilgrimage.
The Last Sion
Upon disclosure of her quest, Bartleby becomes violent and she attempts to fight him off. Rufus reveals that she is the last Sion thus she was given this huge responsibility; she is in denial and breaks down.
Metatron calms her down and reassures her as she doubts her ability to succeed in the journey. Bethany decides not to abandon the quest after all and attempts to talk Cardinal Glick into cancelling the rededication ceremony.
He doesn’t back down and they have to face the problem head on. She blesses the water used to eliminate Azrael’s minions and confronts Loki for the murder of the rededication audience.
She discovers that God has been trapped in the man on life support and lets Him free just in time to stop Bartleby. She bleeds out and dies but is brought back to life by God.
Her question as to the reason for existence of mankind goes unanswered but she is left with child. Though she doesn’t really believe yet, she has hope.
Alan Rickman
Alan Rickman plays Angel Metatron
Alan Rickman was a trained actor who also tried his hand at directing. He acted in the theatre, small screen and big screen. With numerous awards and nominations to boast of, Alan was truly a treasure to the film industry.
In Dogma, Alan plays the lovable Angel Metatron. He is a Seraphim, the highest choir of angels.
We first see him in Bethany’s room where he makes a grand fiery appearance. In a powerful voice he introduces himself as Metatron, Herald of the Almighty and the Voice of the one true God.
Bethany interrupts by hosing him down with a fire extinguisher which greatly irks him.
A Lovely Seraphim
He is offended by the fact that even after his elaborate introduction, Bethany does not have a clue who he is. When Bethany pleads not to be raped nor killed he drops his pants to show her he is as smooth as a ken doll.
He also turns the baseball bat she threatens him with into a fish and makes a corky quip about it. He is quite humorous and he makes a couple of funny and sarcastic remarks. He takes Bethany to a Mexican restaurant to further prove himself to the rather skeptical Bethany.
The Holy Crusade
He charges her with a holy crusade of visiting a small church in New Jersey to stop a couple of angels from passing through its archways thus negating all existence.
He gives Bethany the story of how Loki and Bartleby were expelled from heaven by disobeying God. He goes on to blame them for the fact that angels can no longer drink alcohol as both Loki and Bartleby were drunk when they defied God.
The Dogma Loophole
He goes on to tell her of the loophole in catholic Dogma allowing them to find their way back to heaven. He shows Bethany that by accepting the responsibility she would be able to act a mother of the world though she continues to feud with God due to her infertility and singlehood.
He tells her of two prophets will accompany her and help her out during her journey. According to him God is lonely but funny.
Bethany’s Breakdown
Metatron appears again to Bethany when she has a breakdown upon learning her identity from Rufus. He explains that he wouldn’t have disclosed it before then as she would not have believed him.
He is sympathetic with her and elucidates that he went through the same with Jesus upon divulging his purpose to him. Says that if it was up to him, he would not have asked a child to bear all that responsibility.
It is unfair for Bethany to bear such a challenge but she remains to be herself despite what she has discovered about her identity.
Rufus’s Role
He tells the company that God likes to take constitutionals to play ski ball and at the moment he is stuck in a body incapacitated to leave it.
He admits he feels lost without God’s presence. Rufus suggests Lucifer must be behind the attacks by the minions but Metatron says that he has as much to lose when Bartleby and Loki succeed.
Metatron Serendipity
On seeing Bartleby looking down he jokes that Wisconsin must have been really bad.
As the voice of God he warns humans to cover their ears to protect themselves from hearing God’s voice which blows Bartleby’s head off.
He impulsively hates to be soiled and uses God’s dress to wipe off Bartley’s blood from his clothes. Praises Bethany who was able to discover the body in which God had been trapped in and set Him free just in time to save the world.
Metatron Serendipity back to heaven and promises Rufus to attend to the complaints he had. When Bethany is brought back to life, he tells her of God’s ability and commends her for a good job.
On top of that he tells her of the child she would bear of whom the world would need.
Chris Rock
Chris Rock plays Rufus – the 13th Apostle
Chris Rock is an outstanding comedian who also acts, writes, produces and directs.
Over the years, he has won many awards and continues to entertain the world. He plays Rufus also known as the apostle.
In the movie Dogma, he falls from the sky naked on the highway whilst Bethany is feuding with Jay and silent Bob.
The Thirteenth Disciple of Jesus
He is right on cue to get the three back on track. He fiercely threatens Jay who suggests his head be cut off as they were unsure of who he was and borrows a coat from Silent Bob.
He tells them that he is the thirteenth disciple of Jesus and tells them tales of their activities together. Rufus, over a meal with Bethany, Jay and Silent Bob discloses that dead people are mostly watching the living especially in the shower.
Watching over Bethany
He was specifically watching Bethany so he may get her help to change the Bible which to him is faulty. He claims that Jesus is black and that he was omitted in the mention of Jesus’ disciples.
He also says it is hypocritical for humanity not to accept a black Jesus due to the stereotypes placed on black men.
He followed Jesus for three years, sacrificing the pleasures of his youth and therefore deserved to go to heaven.
In exchange of helping them stop Bartleby and Loki from passing through the archway, he expected them to help them with his campaign to change the Bible.
Bethnay’s Faith
To prove himself, he reveals to Bethany her deepest secret as well as to Jay. He says that the feats of humans are well documented in heaven and in hell.
Bethany and Rufus discuss her faith and her skepticism towards the assignment she was given.
Serendipity and The Golgothan Demon
He recognizes Serendipity of who is a heavenly being as well. He is surprised to see her working as a stripper given her talents as a muse. He is terrified when the Golgothan demon attacks and is relieved when silent Bob disables them.
He speaks of Jesus good natured personality, loving to listen to His disciples despite the irrelevance of what they were discussing and his disappointment with the bad things that are carried out in His name.
He recognizes Bartleby who is going under the alias Barry as they converse with Bethany. He tries to warn the angels of the consequences of their attempt to reenter heaven but has them thrown out of the train by silent Bob.
The Gaps in the Bible
In the forest, he mentions the gaps in the Bible and the omitted truths citing a possible church cover up conspiracy.
He then reveals that Bethany is the great grandniece of Jesus and tries to convince her he is saying the truth when she breaks down and runs off.
In the restaurant, with Metatron now present he explains that God is missing due to the occasional ski ball vacations and might have been killed in a human body.
Though Metatron nullifies this saying the body must be incapacitated thus God trapped. He desperately tries to convince Cardinal Glick to cancel the rededication ceremony even imitating the voice of God in vain.
Confrontation with Azrael
In their confrontation with Azrael, he threatens him but stands down when he impends to hurt Bethany. He helps kill Israel’s minions once Silent Bob has killed Azrael.
Rufus does as much as he can to stop Bartleby even attacking him in vain. He reprimands Jay for shooting off Bartleby’s wings off though helps cover his ears to protect him from God’s voice.
In the end he asks Metatron if he will make the changes he so fiercely fought for. He had grown fond of Bethany and is distraught to see her dead.
When she is brought back to life she tells her that God does not identify with a gender like Serendipity suggests. Rufus asks about Bethany’s faith as they part and is relieved to learn it is not as absent as it was in the beginning.
Chris Rock plays Rufus – the 13th Apostle
Chris Rock is an outstanding comedian who also acts, writes, produces and directs.
Over the years, he has won many awards and continues to entertain the world. He plays Rufus also known as the apostle.
In the movie Dogma, he falls from the sky naked on the highway whilst Bethany is feuding with Jay and silent Bob.
The Thirteenth Disciple of Jesus
He is right on cue to get the three back on track. He fiercely threatens Jay who suggests his head be cut off as they were unsure of who he was and borrows a coat from Silent Bob.
He tells them that he is the thirteenth disciple of Jesus and tells them tales of their activities together. Rufus, over a meal with Bethany, Jay and Silent Bob discloses that dead people are mostly watching the living especially in the shower.
Watching over Bethany
He was specifically watching Bethany so he may get her help to change the Bible which to him is faulty. He claims that Jesus is black and that he was omitted in the mention of Jesus’ disciples.
He also says it is hypocritical for humanity not to accept a black Jesus due to the stereotypes placed on black men.
He followed Jesus for three years, sacrificing the pleasures of his youth and therefore deserved to go to heaven.
In exchange of helping them stop Bartleby and Loki from passing through the archway, he expected them to help them with his campaign to change the Bible.
Bethnay’s Faith
To prove himself, he reveals to Bethany her deepest secret as well as to Jay. He says that the feats of humans are well documented in heaven and in hell.
Bethany and Rufus discuss her faith and her skepticism towards the assignment she was given.
Serendipity and The Golgothan Demon
He recognizes Serendipity of who is a heavenly being as well. He is surprised to see her working as a stripper given her talents as a muse. He is terrified when the Golgothan demon attacks and is relieved when silent Bob disables them.
He speaks of Jesus good natured personality, loving to listen to His disciples despite the irrelevance of what they were discussing and his disappointment with the bad things that are carried out in His name.
He recognizes Bartleby who is going under the alias Barry as they converse with Bethany. He tries to warn the angels of the consequences of their attempt to reenter heaven but has them thrown out of the train by silent Bob.
The Gaps in the Bible
In the forest, he mentions the gaps in the Bible and the omitted truths citing a possible church cover up conspiracy.
He then reveals that Bethany is the great grandniece of Jesus and tries to convince her he is saying the truth when she breaks down and runs off.
In the restaurant, with Metatron now present he explains that God is missing due to the occasional ski ball vacations and might have been killed in a human body.
Though Metatron nullifies this saying the body must be incapacitated thus God trapped. He desperately tries to convince Cardinal Glick to cancel the rededication ceremony even imitating the voice of God in vain.
Confrontation with Azrael
In their confrontation with Azrael, he threatens him but stands down when he impends to hurt Bethany. He helps kill Israel’s minions once Silent Bob has killed Azrael.
Rufus does as much as he can to stop Bartleby even attacking him in vain. He reprimands Jay for shooting off Bartleby’s wings off though helps cover his ears to protect him from God’s voice.
In the end he asks Metatron if he will make the changes he so fiercely fought for. He had grown fond of Bethany and is distraught to see her dead.
When she is brought back to life she tells her that God does not identify with a gender like Serendipity suggests. Rufus asks about Bethany’s faith as they part and is relieved to learn it is not as absent as it was in the beginning.